Wednesday, August 17, 2011

la cruz verde

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do you have a few hours to burn in the afternoon and weather is great?

its been a while now since i started this blog, and being from madrid and writing about motorcycle rides, this has to be mentioned.  la cruz verde has to be one of the most popular places for motorcycle riders in the area.  infamous for its dangerous curves, famous for its fun and enjoyable turns, always depending on which side you look at it from.

photo by "d"

to kill yesterdays august afternoon, "d" and me went to check out the beach in madrid... yes, madrid has a beach.  its fresh water and (one of them) located on the shores of pantano de san juan.  chilled by the beach while others went for a swim and decided to take on a little trip in the area and show "d" around.

from pantano de sanjuan we headed towards robledo de chavela, famous for its space agency antenas, and from there on to el escorial, famous for everything that happened way before any human vehicle flew.  this time travel road is what we all call la cruz verde.  short section of the m-512 but a blast to ride along.  you might see some careless riding and you will stumble upon the occasional flower arrangement, remembering someone who lost a life on the road.  it will be good to keep an eye on your soroundings to avoid an unpleasant experience.  however, it is worth the time.

once you pass the cruz verde bar, you will get great views of the monasterio del escorial from the top of the hill, which in my opinion, is much more impressive than to see it up close.

photo by "d"

the monasterio del escorial was built by king felipe II.  this is also where all spanish kings are burried. you can see all the black marble coffins inside at the panteón de los reyes.

photo by "d"

probably the last great sight before heading back to the city is the road crossing over pantano de valmayor... the icing on the cake.

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